石尊山梵天揚げ    Western Area

Mt.Sekison Bonten Festival 

The "Bonten Festival of Mt. Sekison", which conveys primitive belief of the sun, is an event that take place early in the morning of August 14th, one month later of Bon period.
Because the shape of Bonten that is dedicated to the Sekison Shrine is very unique, it is a valuable folk cultural property, and it is designated as an intagible folk cultural property in Tochigi Prefecture.

On the day of event, priest of Keisokuji Temple have a Goma Kuyo (Fire rituals) and prayer for safety at Fudodo at the foot of mountain first.
4:00 am, young people dressed in white and performed ablutions carrys the 15 meter-long `Onbashira` (ceder log) and 250 Bontens that made in the end of July on their shoulder up to Mt. Sekison.
Then, they set up the Onbashira at the mountaintop with sunrise and dedicate it to the Sekison Shrine Okunomiya.

It is a festival where 'Onbashira' (ceder log) is set up at the mountaintop, climb the 'Onbashira' and take the `Naita`(kind of name plate), `Taishakuten`, and 'Heigushi' (staff which shide are attached to make a go-hei paper streamers) at the top of `Onbashira' and bring it home in hope of safety of family and prosperous business.
Red-rice and Japanese Sake are handed to the perticipants at the mountaintop.
Basic Information・Access
August 14th ※Same day in every year
3:00 am~  Goma-Kuyo (Fire rituals)、4:00 am~  Start

It has been decided to have this event after 3years absence !


Mr. Aiba +81-90-9376-3017

25 minutes by Walk or 5 minutes by Car from JR Ryomo Line Omata Station
25 minutes by Car from Tobu-Isesaki Line Ashikagashi Station
60 minutes from Sano-Fujioka I.C on the Tohoku Expressway
20 minutes from Oota-Kiryu I.C on the Kita-Kanto Expressway

Car Park 
Kanouke Meeting-house 
September ,2024



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